Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Pieces To A Puzzle.....
I was fortunate to pick up six extremely rare Michter's
labels- so rare I actually did not think they existed. When Michter's
whiskey was first introduced, it was in little ceramic jugs. Lou Forman
found himself in a bit of quandary- his product was selling, but people
weren't actually drinking the whiskey, they were just displaying the
jugs. So he began bottling Michter's in glass bottles too. It is widely
assumed that the square "1827" bottles were the first Michter's glass
bottles. These look very similar to modern day Evan Williams or older
Jim Beam and Jack Daniel's bottles. The reason for this assumption was
because on Michter's very own bottle and decanter lists, that is what is
first. But, they are incorrect apparently. These labels are from a run
of bottles that predate the square "1827" bottles. How do I know? Take a
look at the advertisements below. The jug shown next to the bottle and
also the general dates of the ads predate all of the information I have
on the "1827" bottles by about 5-10 years. I had assumed the glass
bottle in the ads shown below was never made and was for promotional
visuals only. These labels prove otherwise. Now I need to track down at
least one of these bottles! Pieces to a puzzle.
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